MOMS Club® of The AcreageLoxahatchee


The MOMS Club of The Acreage/Loxahatchee, Florida is just one chapter of an international, nonprofit organization that offers support and daytime activities to stay-at-home moms and their children. We also have part-time and full-time working moms in our group as well. MOMS stands for “MOMS Offering Moms Support.” You can learn more about the International MOMS Club at

We invite you to browse around our website at your leisure — in between, of course, all the feedings, diaper changes, play dates, doctor's visits, school drop offs & pick ups, homework, soccer runs, dance lessons, and everything else that we busy moms juggle in our hectic, but incredibly fulfilling everyday lives. We hope you will join our club and look forward to hearing from you

MOMS Offering Moms Support
Cleaning the house while kids are growing is like shoveling the walk while it's still snowing. ~Phyllis Diller
 “MOMS Club,” the “Mother-To-Mother Fund” and the Mother/Children logo are registered service marks of International MOMS Club.